Thursday, May 25, 2006

On Change

A quote from King Whitney Jr.:

Change has a considerable psychological impact
on the human mind.
To the fearful it is threatening,
because it means that things may get worse.
To the hopeful it is encouraging,
because things may get better.
To the confident it is inspiring,
because the challenge exists to make things better.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Oh, the possibilities

For the first time in at least a week, I was awake at the crack of dawn.

The bedroom's side window points northeast, just allowing a subtle indication of the day ahead. Since the beginning of the month, we've been greeted with overcast or rainy skies each morning, but today -- here comes the sun!

There's such a sense of wonderment, peace, possibilities when the day starts as it has today. Cardinals, blue jays, robins, sparrows, finches of many hues have all been calling to me.

There's such a sense of energy that I get when the morning starts this way. Already, I've done a load of wash, cleaned the kitchen, had breakfast, and am delighting in the perfect glass of tea -- cold from the fridge, fresh lemon, brewed from Bromley decaf, and no ice. Yes, MC from NC, we Jersey Girls know from tea!

Soon, it will be time to shower and head off to our north office to continue the re-visioning of our business. On a day like today, the world's the limit!


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mother's Day Eve

Without fail, I start to get cranky around this time of year, and it will come to a head tomorrow.

I'm childless, and not by choice.

More than likely, there will be a special blessing for all the mothers present at Mass. I'll try to look inconspicuous as I sit in my pew, not standing with women younger and older than I.

I'll just smile and thank folks each time I'm wished a Happy Mother's Day, and resist explaining over and over, "I have no sons or daughters."

I'll nod my head as some try to console me with reminders that I have nieces and nephews instead. Close, but not quite the same.

My hands will instinctively wrap around my abdomen in yet another failed attempt to protect those babies who left me before they were ready.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Prayer for Life's Transitions

Psalm 139 Redux: Circa 2006

Lord, reveal myself to me.

Because You know all, know my choices and my chances before I come about to them, I ask for some insight, some wisdom.

You have blessed me with so much, and I am confidently aware You expect much more from me.

Open my mind and my heart to that knowledge, that awareness.

Through Your protection, the love of Your Son, and the wonder of Your Spirit, may I be a willing child and steward through which to work Your greatness.


(c) MB Parente, 2006

Wednesday, May 10, 2006



Welcome to my world, where the first fifty years were merely practice for the best part of my life!