Friday, January 07, 2011

Investing in One Another: Ferdinand Achacon

The second Share Solutions ... Invest in One Another award winner for 2011 is Ferdinand Achacon.

While we've known this day has been coming for awhile, it's still tough ...

I just received an e-mail that reads, in part, "Ferdi went home to God early this morning."  He fought pancreatic cancer for several years - and a good deal longer than any doctor had faith that he would.

Known as Ferdi to his American friends, and Bong to fellow Filipinos (the name has no drug connotations!), he walked among us as a prophet and someone whose faith in the Almighty was unshakable.  When we first met, he politely called me "Lola" until I told him I was NOWHERE NEAR old enough to be his or anyone else's grandmother.  Next, he tried "Tita," and again, I didn't let him get away with claiming to be a generation younger than I (although I am old enough to be his aunt).  Finally, we settled on "Ate" (that's Ah-Tay) Marilyn - meaning the eldest sister.

This entry, while I've drifted off-track a bit, is about how Bong shared solutions and invested in others during his all-too-short life.

It was probably a good five or so years ago that our parish, the Catholic Community of St Matthias in Somerset, first got involved in supporting the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) here in Central Jersey.  Bong worked with Sr Patrice Feeney to make sure we served as able hosts to our guests for a fortnight each summer ... families without homes who migrate from location to location while seeking permanent housing and sources of income.

As a very busy parish, we've faced our share of scheduling conflicts - even with a fairly large physical plant.  Bong was always poking a stick, making sure we removed sometimes self-imposed barriers to fulfilling our commitment to provide shelter to the homeless.

IHN is just one of the many efforts important to Bong.  He lived sharing solutions.  He lived investing in one another.

Left behind to celebrate his legacy are his wife Carol, children Kyla and Daniel, and all of us who ever laughed, sang, worked, played, and prayed by his side.

Maligayang Viernes, hermanito Bong ... God is with you - you are with God.

Ferdinand, Daniel, Kyla, and Caroline Achacon
March 21, 2009
Sanctuary, St Matthias Church

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Investing in One Another: Brian Reavey

Wow, it's been awhile since my last entry ...

For the past few days, I've been tossing around the idea of seeking out or stumbling upon examples of people making a difference. The effort all ties back to my mantra of Share Solutions ... Invest in One Another.

Today, Day 1 of the New Year, my friend Brian Reavey becomes the first award winner - such an obvious choice with this post I found on Facebook:
Brian F.B. Reavey will promote one friend or cause via FB every month in 2011. His inaugural plug is for Jen Violi: The Business. Jen is a dear friend with insane talent, and she's one of the coolest and most inspiring people you'll ever meet. If you're in need of a stellar writing coach, workshop or retreat facilitator, a retreat or workshop designed especially for you, and/or many other inspiring offerings, please visit her Facebook page (see link above), or her website directly at Happy 2011 everyone!
I hope to recognize others who are sharing solutions and investing in one another at least weekly for the rest of the year. If you come across someone who you think should be mentioned here, feel free to get in touch!

Peace be with you!
