Sunday, May 17, 2009

On validation of gifts

This morning, I asked everyone gathered for our RCIA Mystagogy session to write love letters. The assignment was random - each wrote to the person seated to their immediate right in the circle in which we sat.

We discussed the feelings that came from the letters afterward, and not the content of the notes themselves. Person after person, I saw the joy at the validation they received. I witnessed the sense of overwhelming gratitude that someone else - a stranger on the journey a year ago - saw something in them of worth and value. It was a privileged moment, for sure.

The inspiration for the assignment was certainly Spirit-driven beyond the prevalent theme in all the readings. The past few days, I've received validation from multiple people when it comes to my photography. I need to pay more attention to that, and to discern how I can better use the gifts I've been given in service.