Tuesday, February 24, 2009

On Mardi Gras

Lent's Eve is upon us.

The liturgical calendar isn't serving me well this year. For me, the period of introspection, self-sacrifice, almsgiving, and good works kicked in much earlier - before we were even into the ever-so-brief Ordinary Time. I'm sure I'm not unique in this, being a Boomer. This year has already brought to our family hospitalizations, serious illnesses, and a few funerals ... part of life, for sure. The letting go is tough, nonetheless.

My Ash Wednesday rituals will be a bit different this year for more than a couple of reasons. One that I look forward to eagerly is the online retreat I mentioned in an earlier post (and there are links down there to get you to the right place). A second is a recommitment to my ten-year plan ... been off-track with that one since last fall, and it's desperately needed to help on my journey back to balance.

Finally, as the day closes, some of us will be gathering at the Consolatas for a Mass remembering our Jossie. We'll follow the solemnity with a simple meal afterwards, honoring her memory.

Peace be with you! mbp

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