Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On baseball and the liturgical calendar

The Yankees pitchers and catchers report by this Friday. Spring is sprung!

Silly as it sounds, I started making connections between baseball and the Catholic liturgical calendar over the weekend.
  • Spring training - when baseball elite try to shake out the cobwebs and get ready for the season (can be physically painful)
    Lent - when the faithful try to shake out the cobwebs and get ready for eternity (can be spiritually painful)

  • Opening Day - lots of celebrating about what's to come
    Easter - lots of celebrating about what's to come

  • Regular season - the day to day focus on what it's like to play baseball
    Ordinary Time - the day to day focus on what it's like to be a follower of Christ

  • Post season - the excitement of the journey to the World Series
    Advent - the excitement of the journey to Christmas

While not a literary masterpiece, I think this says it all for me.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

LOVE THIS! Talk about finding God in all things. I'm going to tweet this.