Tuesday, January 27, 2009

On Music: My Soundtrack 2

With all the competing demands on my focus, I've set aside my U2 additions for the time being. I'm drawn, instead, to lyric-less melodies. Current choices? All Yo-Yo Ma.

Instrumentally, my bias has been brass for a long, loooooooooooooong time. I think I loved the sound even before my drum corps days. From high-end sopranos and trumpets, through french horns and baritones, the vibrancy cranks my metabolism or calms my heart like no other musical experience.

Why strings right now? There's something about Yo-Yo that reaches my soul. I feel my insides gently relax, my shoulders lose their tension, and the buzzing in my head escapes between the vibrations of his cello.

Thank you, Mr. Ma!

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